Chi Kung

Exercise: 8) Crane Spreads Wings

Chi Kung Intro 1) Triple Heater 2) Scoops 3) Wood Chopping 4) Side Stretch 5) Twist Stretch 6) Ankle Knee
7) Hip Rotation
8) Crane Spreads Wings
9) Arm Rotation
10) Neck Stretches
11) Ringing the Temple Bell
Crane: Fold Wings
Crane: Spread Wings to Right
Crane: Fold Wings
Crane: Spread Wings to Left

Crane Spreads Wings Video


8) Crane Spreads Wings is a stylized, instinctive, crane movement. It is great for the chest, upper back, and shoulders. It helps bring Chi to the lungs and heart. Exhale and touch the back of your hands together while folding your head down. Then inhale and open your arms wide while pulling your head back. Do this to the right and left at 45 degree angles from center.